
Monday, 28 May 2012


Today's post is inspired by Tara's gallery. (If you'd like to join in, or view the other entries, you can find out all you need over at her wonderful blog, Sticky Fingers).

As I doubt there will ever be a Gallery category Trampoline Hair (though I'd love you to prove me wrong, Tara), I thought I'd use this shot for the Sunshine post.

Well, the sun does shine rather nicely through Jem's hair.

And the static-effect does (sort of) mimic a child's drawing of the sun.

But really it's because Jem himself is my sunshine (my only sunshine...on my shoulders...on a rainy day...).

No matter how many loads of laundry (or "I hate you"s); no matter how few hours of sleep (or moments of me-time); and no matter how miserably, moodily bleak I feel: just a glance, a giggle, or five small fingers finding mine, bring me back to the light.


  1. Great picture, definatley one to pull out at Jems wedding x

  2. beautiful words and a really great photo - am so jealous I would love both the room for a trampoline and a sea view - you seem to have both.

    1. Thank you! And I really do know how lucky I am :)

  3. That photo is gorgeous - love the effect of the sunshine in her hair.

  4. That is *awesome* hair. Reminds me of the Van de Graaf generator at school.

  5. Excellent picture - there should be a trampoline hair week of the Gallery!
