One month after Jem and I began our quest for the perfect poo:
1. Identify the culprit...check.
2. Ensure stool is soft and pain-free...check.
3. Stand back and do nothing...uh, complete, utter, resounding failure. I'm not saying that the experts are wrong (or any of the mums and dads who have successfully followed their advice). Indeed, I can fully believe that standing back and doing nothing would get a quicker result. But, if I've learned anything about my life-philosophy over the past four years, it's that process is often more important than product.
Jem and I will get there, in our own time, in our own way; one day he'll be ready to go solo. And, in the meantime (now that step1 and step2 have successfully cut our bathroom-time to a handful of minutes, every other day) poo no longer feels like a big issue. For either of us.
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